Using paper is a waste
Not so; Paper is one of the most versatile and recycled products in the world
The European recycling rate for paper reached 72.5% in 2016 – that amounts to 2 tonnes of paper being recycled every second! (1)
In some regions, recycling rates range from 70-75%, which is likely the practical maximum recycling rate. Some paper products cannot be recovered for recycling because they are kept for long periods of time (books) or archived (records); others are destroyed or contaminated when used (e.g. tissue and hygienic paper). (2)
Paper is recycled, on average, 3.5 times a year in Europe, while over 50% of the raw material for Europe’s paper industry is paper for recycling. Paper cannot be recycled indefinitely as fibres get too short and worn out to be useful in creating a new sheet of paper. More importantly, the production cannot be based on 100% recycled fibre as 100% of consumption cannot be collected and as Europe is also a global net exporter of paper which is consumed and collected outside of Europe. The cycle must therefore constantly be refilled with new fibres. (3)
So let’s all act responsibly and dispose of any waste paper where it can successfully be recycled.
(1) European Declaration on Paper Recycling, Monitoring Report 2016
(2) International Council of Forest and Paper Associations, 2015. Statement on Paper Recycling.
(3) CEPI Sustainability Report, 2013.