Myth 1

Using paper is bad for the environment

Wait, that’s just not true! Industries that depend on trees need thriving forests. It’s in their own self-interest.

Sustainability facts

  1. Paper is made from wood, a truly renewable and sustainable resource
  2. Forest certification ensures wood comes from well-managed forests
  3. Responsible wood, pulp and paper production ensures healthy growing forests
  4. Between 2005 and 2015, European forests grew by an area the size of Switzerland (1)
  5. In 2013, 74.7% of pulp delivered to paper and board mills in Europe was forest management certified by independent forest certification schemes, up from 71.1% in 2010 (2)
  6. The potential supply of certified forest products increased by about 30% between 2007 and 2013 (3)

(1) FAO, 2015. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015, How are the World’s Forests Changing?
(2) CEPI Sustainability Report, 2013
(2) UNECE, 2015. Forests in the ECE Region